Wadham Words
Edition 4 - 31st March 2023
We are delighted to share with you our latest newsletter. We hope you enjoy reading about our students' success over this last half-term.
We wish you all a fantastic restful break, and we look forward to seeing all students back in school on Monday 17th April.
We have a temporary solution while we await the delivery of 3 Wadham School Minibuses! The Local Authority have sourced a late bus that will depart from Wadham each week-day at 4.30pm. This is a free service to students that need it, and will travel directly to the centre of Ilminster. This is the only stop on the route but does now enable students living in Ilminster to stay and engage in after school activities, knowing that there is transport home. Details of how students can book themselves onto the late bus will be shared via tutors.
Update – we’ve been monitoring take up of this free service and currently numbers are lower than anticipated. In order to ensure value for money, a smaller bus may be supplied to better meet demand if numbers remain low.
We have a great Music Tech Club which is held every Wednesday lunchtime in B02. Please do go along and see what it is about.
Non-Uniform Day 24th February
The students held a non-uniform day here at Wadham as they were passionate about raising some money for the Turkey-Syria Earthquake appeal. We were very pleased to raise £517.50, so thank you all so much for your kind donations.
Activities in the library to celebrate World Book Day were held on the 10th March, with the amazing amount of £73 towards new resources for the library. The cake sale was extremely popular and a total sell out, raffle tickets to win a whole cake were sold throughout the day. The raffle was drawn with much anticipation at the end of lunch, with Year 10 student Sophie H being the lucky winner. With a little help, much of the cake was devoured before Period 5! A competition to win a book was won by AJ, also from Year 10, with the closest guess to the number of pages in the book.
Alongside all the cake, a book swap was held for all year groups. This gave students an opportunity to pick a free a book to take home and keep. With some very happy students claiming the latest Harry Potter, Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and lovely Encyclopaedias which had been kindly donated.
Thank you to all students and staff who came to support the day.
This term we've been able to introduce outdoor education to selected students.
This new provision offers opportunities for our young people to experience education in an alternative setting. Wadham is developing its own outdoor education area, complete with its own fire-pit. Young people at Wadham are having the opportunities to hone their bush craft skills; learn about how to identify trees and plants; the science behind fire building; developing team building skills and growing their own vegetables, in conjunction with ingredients needed for KS3 and KS4 Food and Nutrition.
Although it is in its infancy, our young people are already excelling in building their new skills. For our induction day, we were joined by Forest School Lead-Dan Asby from Magdalene Farm, who demonstrated many of the future activities that the outdoor provision will offer our young people. Keep you eyes peeled for future activities carried out by our students.
We have had a very busy few weeks of sporting fixtures. Here are a few photos of the fixtures that have taken place. These have includes, Football, Rugby, Netball and Hockey. Well done to all those that took part.
Wins, losses and match reports are shared over social media - do consider adding us to be kept up to date with our sporting achievements!
Marcus King - Fantastic Achievement!
Marcus King (Year 9) took part in the Sherborne Grade 4 Tennis Competition over the February half-term. Marcus played really well and won the U14'S.
Well Done Marcus!
Year 11 - Careers Talks 16th March
Our Year 11's started the day by hearing from 4 local businesses and training establishments to focus them on their future successful progression routes. They heard from two local employers - Numatic and Branstons and also from Bridgwater & Taunton College, CITB and Wadham's Enterprise Adviser.
We'd like to say thank you to our visitors for giving up their time to talk to our students!

Students have been working to complete a 'Science in Art' project - making either artist studies of Ernst Haekel's drawings or preparing inky backgrounds made to look like bacteria growing in a petri dish.
Year 7 students have been involved in an exciting “TingaTinga” project, inspired by artworks containing bright colours and animals from Tanzania and Zanzibar.
Year 11 Intervention – Regents Camps Workshops
2 groups of 18 students in Year 11 have risen to the challenge of 3-day, intensive support in English and Maths. Student engagement has been superb, with many seeing a real shift in understanding and confidence in preparation for the GCSE exams – well done! Equally, one of the course tutors gave feedback to say how impressed she was with the attitude and level of questioning shown. With a final term of preparation to go, early signs are looking good for these students!
We wish you all a fantastic Easter break, and we look forward to seeing the students back in school Monday 17th April.
01460 270123
Wadham School, Yeovil Road , Crewkerne, Somerset, TA18 7NT