Sixth Form
Welcome to Wadham Sixth Form
In 2025, we offer students an exciting new programme of different pathways. The link below will take you to a document that outlines our latest offering and the Application Form.
Wadham Sixth Form 2025 - Course Details
Wadham Sixth Form Application Form 2025
We would love you to apply for this new pathway offering.
Our Sixth Form students are proud to be part of Wadham and, through their enthusiasm and sense of fun, they generate a positive atmosphere that permeates the whole school community and in which they feel safe and valued.
Do you like the sound of a Sixth Form where student numbers are small, and you get an individualised programme to help you plan for your future? If you want to be more than one of thousands of students on a list then Wadham Sixth Form could be the place for you!
Our results compare favourably with other institutions in the region. In 2023, we had a 100% pass rate for A-Levels and other Level 3 qualifications. While these excellent results are rare, we know this is down to our small class sizes and individualised plans for students to support them in succeeding. Our students gained 43% A* to B grades. We put a lot of time into ensuring students get where they want to be after finishing their A-Levels.
In 2023, 100% have achieved a place at their first-choice university.
We were pleased to welcome Ofsted to see the work in our sixth form during the last academic year when they reported:
- ‘Before students begin their courses, leaders put plans in place to support students to prepare for the demands of A-Level study.’
- ‘Students are highly complementary of their experience in the sixth form.’
We would love to hear from you if you want to learn more.
Contact us on 01460 270123.