Our School

Key Staff


Mr R Burgas

Deputy Headteachers

Mrs S Coombe DSL
Mr S White

Assistant Headteachers

Mrs N Finch - Pastoral 
Mr S O'Nions - Data and Systems
Mrs S Hutter - Teaching & Learning
Miss A Davidson - SENDCo

Heads of Year

Mr D Quick - Year 7
Mr C Jackson - Year 8
Mr K Allington - Year 9
Mrs S Gray - Year 10
Mrs J Osborne - Year 11
Mr H Isack - Sixth Form

Subject Leaders

Mrs N Taylor - Art & Photography

Miss J Middleton - Creative Arts

Ms C Vickery - Design Technology

Mrs A Hartley - English

Mrs K Hodge - Food Technology

Mr C Straker-Nesbit - Geography

Mr N Cassidy - History

Mr J Broome - Beliefs and World Views

Mrs S Hutter - Mathematics and Computing

Miss A Whitcombe - MFL

Miss S Wells - Personal Development

Mr C Owen - PE 

Mrs K Hazle - Science

Union Reps

We currently have an NASUWT representative who has not had any time away from their Wadham teaching commitments for training or Union work in 2022/23

We are awaiting confirmation of the newly elected Unison representative.