Normal Admission Round Year 7 2024
Throughout Somerset, there is a policy of "local schools for local children". However, parents seeking a place for their son or daughter may apply to Wadham even if they do not live in the catchment area.
Parents will be given their first choice preference of school wherever possible. Where demand exceeds available places preference is given in the following order:
- Students with a statement of Special Educational Needs that names Wadham as the preferred school
- Students whose older brother or sister is attending the school
- Students who live closest to the school
The online application form will appear here when it is released. Here is a link to Somerset County Council Secondary Admission page for your reference.
In Year Admissions Year 7-11
We welcome enquiries from parents of students who require secondary school education and are considering transferring to Wadham School. Parents interested are invited to contact the school to arrange a tour. The Admission Limits for each of our current year groups as of 1st September 2023 are as follows:
Year Group | Admission Limit | Number On Roll Sept 2023 | Over Subscription Criteria |
7 | 160 | 149 |
The school will exceed the PAN for children without a school place, who are looked after or are living or moving into our catchment area.
8 | 160 | 157 | |
9 | 160 | 163 | |
10 | 160 | 159 | |
11 | 150 | 153 |
The admission limits will be reviewed in readiness for the start of each academic year.
Should the school have a space in the year group required, the application for transfer should be made to the school or Local Authority. A letter will be sent to you from the school or Local Authority offering or refusing a place within 10 working days of a completed application being received. Click here For the In-Year Application Form and return to Wadham School.
Sixth Form Admissions
If you are looking for a place for your child post 16 please view our Sixth Form page.